
Free lunches for all students / Almuerzos gratis para todos los estudiantes

Fuente Nueva is now one of the locations for free lunches in the Arcata School District. This means that ALL students can get free meals every school day!
The only thing you have to do to order lunch is email or call the office in advance – at the latest by 8:30am the day you would like a meal for your student(s). You can also use the lunch order form that we send out with the weekly school emails.

The office number is (707) 822-3348 and our email is info@fuentenueva.org


Fuente Nueva ahora es uno de los lugares para almuerzos gratis en el distrito escolar de Arcata. Esto significa que TODOS los estudiantes pueden recibir almuerzos gratis todos los días escolares.
Lo único que tiene que hacer para pedir el almuerzo es enviar un correo electrónico o llamar a la oficina con antelación – a más tardar a las 8:30am del día en que le gustaría almuerzo para su estudiante. También puede usar el formulario de pedido de almuerzo que enviamos con los correos electrónicos semanales de la escuela.

El número de oficina es (707) 822-3348 y nuestro correo electrónico es info@fuentenueva.org




Canned Food Drive / Recolección de latas

Fuente Nueva fifth graders are organizing a canned food drive for Food for People.

Please support their cause by bringing non-perishable food during the materials drop off on Fridays. The drive runs from September 18th to October 9th.


Unos estudiantes del quinto grado están organizando una recolección de latas para Food for People.
Por favor, apoye su causa trayendo alimentos no perecederos durante la recogida y entrega de materiales los viernes. La recolección va del 18 de septiembre al 9 de octubre.

Virtual Cross-Country this fall

The Hammond Trail is one of the locations for youth cross-country this fall.

This fall, there will be no Running Club at Fuente Nueva. But there is still hope for those students who want to take part in cross-country runs!

Humboldt Redwoods Running Association for Youth is arranging Virtual Runs across the county.


Este otoño, no habrá Equipo de correr en Fuente Nueva. ¡Pero todavía hay esperanza para aquellos estudiantes que quieren participar en carreras a campo traviesa!
Humboldt Redwoods Running Association for Youth organizará carreras virtuales en todo el condado.
Más información aquí: https://hrray.org/youth-information

Back to School Night

Join us TONIGHT Thursday, August 27 for a chance to learn more about what is happening in your students distance learning classroom! Check your email for the link to the zoom invite. The evening begins promptly at 6pm.

Looking forward to seeing you there!



Updates for the 20/21 School Year

Dear Families, 

First, I hope that this finds you well, healthy and with joy in your life. Now more than ever I find it important to reflect on those qualities in my life to provide balance and perspective. I am reaching out to share the outcomes from the meeting held last night. The charter council faced very difficult decisions that have shifted the course of our program offerings at the start of the school year. 

The changes in the course of the program offerings are as follows: 

  • Fuente Nueva will no longer offer child care at the start of the school year and the council plans to reconsider in the future. This is a temporary decision and will be reconsidered in the future.
  • As a result of the above decision, the choice to have an on campus presence of the educational team with individual student meetings occurring for the most vulnerable students is impacted.
  • Fuente Nueva is seeking to enter into an agreement with the Arcata School District to purchase school lunch meals from them. Details are not yet finalized. The intention is to return to our own school lunch program when we return to in-person instruction or there are changes in the waiver that the State of California may provide schools in the future. These details will be a part of the agreement with the district and we are 100% committed to offering our program again. 

Each of these decisions was made considering safety, equity, and the stability of the school as a whole as guiding principles. There were several parents present to help provide insights into their own needs as well as what they know from other parents. At the same time, council members recognized there were voices not present that deserved representation. We all did our best to consider and hear those voices. The decisions were not easy ones and we know we still have much work to do to support our students. 

Next week on Wednesday 8/19 the council will meet to discuss how we move forward with the implementation of the distance learning plan. The formal decision will be made about who works from campus and if we bring individual students to the school for some in-person support. There will also be additional items such as policies and procedures that will be included. 

To say that our hearts are not heavy would be a lie. And yet, this morning I wake up with the realization that when one door closes another opens. We all know that there are families in our community that desperately need child care. My question to all of you is how can we and you, as the greater community, help? This is not a challenge that the school alone can solve and we are always stronger when we act as a full community. To this end, today I will work with staff to create a format for us to share both family needs and community ideas that will lead to solutions. 

I understand that this decision will have a huge impact on families. Please know that my door is always open, and I welcome the opportunity to have a conversation on how this decision was made. In closing I want you to know that the teachers have been working tirelessly this summer to prepare for distance learning. They received high quality training in the spring and most teachers have attended more professional development this summer. All of them have spent time imagining and creating a more robust and engaging learning environment for the students in distance learning. We know it is not in person, but we know that we can find the love and joy of teaching and learning either way. 

¡Viva Fuente Nueva!




Plans for Fall 2020

On July 20 the charter council met for the second meeting in a week to decide what learning model we will open with in the fall. We have been fortunate to have several parents from our community present who shared their thoughts, ideas and concerns. The discussion was rich and provided insight to the complexities of the moment. As you know, it was not an easy process but the integrity of the collaboration was inspiring. 

The council has elected a path forward that allows us to phase into an on-campus learning option for students. All families have the opportunity to select distance learning for their student regardless of what phase we are in. For the 20/21 school year, parents may request distance learning for their child until based on their individual situation they determine it safe to send their child physically back to school. We will define the process for switching between distance learning and on campus learning so the expectations are clear and teachers know what to plan for and parents have some flexibility in their choice. 

Phase 1 begins the year with a Distance Learning model for all students. We plan to offer full time child care slots for 20-30 students for families most in need (criteria to be developed but will include some definition of an essential worker, houseless / foster youth and financial need). Additional campus presence will include teachers and administrative staff. This will enable us to incorporate 1-1 and small group instruction for the highest needs students on campus (for short windows of time such as 30 minute). The goal will be to scale up and offer some time on campus for most/all students. School lunch will be served for all students. This phase will allow us to get comfortable with having students on campus, learn how to teach and facilitate learning with safety protocols. In addition we can apply what we learn to be more prepared for having more students on campus. 

Phase 2 is targeted to begin on September 28 with a two day a week on campus cohort model with up to 50% of students on campus at a time. Cohort A will be on campus on Monday/Tuesday and Cohort B will be on campus Thursday/Friday. Siblings will be placed in the same cohort and families will have the opportunity to request cohorts based on a variety of needs including family schedule or partnering with other families for childcare/learning support on days students are not on campus.  

Phase 3 is projected to scale up to having 75-100% of our students on campus. At this time the council has not discussed a target date for this transition. This phase has students on campus for 4 days a week and is based on the assumption that we will have 20-25% of students on distance learning plan all year. The other 75-80% of students would attend four days a week Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Further details on phase 3 and decisions related to when we will scale up to it will likely be made in the fall. 

There was also much discussion about the fact that the situation with COVID-19 transmission in Humboldt may change and we may need to adjust accordingly. We have control over the way we educate our students but the conditions of the virus in our community will determine our ability to have an open campus with a student presence. The recent guidance provided by the California Department of Public Health will help guide our decisions as local conditions change.

We all want students back on campus. We miss them dearly! Now more than ever recognize the important roll schools play in the fabric of society that go far beyond education. At this time it is our greatest hope to fill that need for our community with the safest path forward. There are many ways that we can take steps to mitigate the risk but we all know that risk will still exist. This weighs heavy on us all. My hope is that the path we are on of phasing into a greater presence on campus gives us a chance to do it in a way that mitigates risk while also lowering stress through the process thereby allowing us to create a feeling of safety, love and happiness in our classroom which is the foundation of successful teaching and learning. 

Now that we have a decision on a direction we have much work to do. Please expect more information regarding child care and other needs assessments coming to you in early to mid August. We will do our best to get this to you as soon as possible so families can plan. 

Thank you to the charter council for your insightful and collaborative leadership, the dedication and passion of the teachers and the commitment and support of the parents. How lucky we are to walk together through this transformational time. May we find a way to use this opportunity to recreate ourselves better prepared to serve the broad needs of our students community. 

With respect and gratitude, 



Read our student newspaper El Fénix!

Some of Fuente Nueva’s 3rd-5th grade students have turned into reporters during the last month.

Once a week the reporters and editors-in-chiefs have met for Editorial Staff Meetings on Zoom. The meetings were part lessons, part discussion, and the reporters had a new writing assignment each week.

The result of their hard work is Fuente Nueva’s very first student newspaper: El Fénix.

Read it here, on the website.


Redwood Environmental Education Fair May 11th – June 30th

Going on now…

REEF 2020- Student Flyer


6/5 @ 6:15 pm El Mago de Oz via Zoom

Join us for Reader’s Theater via Zoom

Friday, June 5th at 6:15.

Get your popcorn and cozy up in your own home!



Come to our virtual dance party – Fiesta de baile en casa!

¡Ven a nuestra Fiesta de baile en casa! Viernes el 10 de abril a las 6, en Zoom. ¡Disfrazamos como criaturas mágicas!

Come to our virtual dance party: Fiesta de baile en casa! This Friday April 10th, at 6pm, on Zoom. Students can dress up as the theme of the night: Magical Creatures!
Find more info under the class pages.


What: Virtual dance party – Fiesta de baile en casa. DJ:s, dress up, and dancing!
When: Friday April 10th, 6:00-6:30pm.
Where: On Zoom.


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