January 24, 2025
January 24, 2025
January 24, 2025
November 18, 2024
Dear Fuente Nueva Community,
As we move forward as a community after the election, many of us are feeling a mix of emotions. Fuente Nueva holds dear the values of human rights, justice, inclusion, and belonging, and we are committed to standing by our values by taking action. We will continue to proudly stand up for the rights of all people and embrace anti-racist and inclusive practices to create a safe space for students, families, and staff.
It is in these moments of uncertainty that we must remind ourselves, families, and students that strength and resilience lie within our community. The work we do every day—whether in the classroom or in those small, everyday acts of kindness—has always been and will continue to be a force for good. We are more than just a school; we are a collective, passionate fountain for change, and this will not diminish, but instead flourish as we stand together.
As we navigate our feelings together, we’d like to share some resources that can help us support one another, especially our students, in processing the emotions surrounding this time:
Now, more than ever, we must hold onto our values and continue to work towards the future we believe in. We will continue to advocate for justice, fairness, and equity, and in the process, we will show our students that hope, resilience, and solidarity are the most powerful tools we have.
Let’s take care of one another, keep these conversations alive, and remember that our work is far from over.
Wishing you a restorative fall break.
With hope and solidarity,
Beth Wylie Angela Kidd
Superintendent Charter Director
18 de noviembre de 2024
Querida Comunidad de Fuente Nueva,
A medida que avanzamos como comunidad después de las elecciones, muchos de nosotros estamos sintiendo una mezcla de emociones. Fuente Nueva valora profundamente los principios de los derechos humanos, la justicia, la inclusión y el sentido de pertenencia, y estamos comprometidos a mantenernos firmes en esos valores tomando acción. Continuaremos defendiendo con orgullo los derechos de todas las personas y abrazando prácticas antirracistas e inclusivas para crear un espacio seguro para los estudiantes, las familias y el personal.
Es en estos momentos de incertidumbre cuando debemos recordarnos a nosotros mismos, a las familias y a los estudiantes que la fuerza y la resiliencia residen dentro de nuestra comunidad. El trabajo que realizamos todos los días, ya sea en el aula o en esos pequeños actos cotidianos de amabilidad, siempre ha sido y continuará siendo una fuerza para el bien. Somos más que una escuela; somos una fuente colectiva y apasionada de cambio, y esto no disminuirá, sino que florecerá a medida que permanezcamos juntos.
Mientras navegamos juntos por nuestras emociones, nos gustaría compartir algunos recursos que pueden ayudarnos a apoyarnos mutuamente, especialmente a nuestros estudiantes, en el proceso de manejar las emociones que nos provoca este tiempo:
Ahora, más que nunca, debemos aferrarnos a nuestros valores y continuar trabajando hacia el futuro en el que creemos. Seguiremos abogando por la justicia, la equidad y la imparcialidad, y en el proceso, les mostraremos a nuestros estudiantes que la esperanza, la resiliencia y la solidaridad son las herramientas más poderosas que tenemos.
Cuidemonos unos a otros, mantengamos estas conversaciones vivas y recordemos que nuestro trabajo está lejos de terminar.
Les deseo unas vacaciones de otoño restauradoras.
Con esperanza y solidaridad,
Beth Wylie Angela Kidd
Superintendent Charter Director
Dear new and returning families,
I’m Angela Kidd, the new director this year, and I’m thrilled to embark on this journey with all of you during this special time. As a parent whose son attended and graduated from Fuente, I understand firsthand how precious the elementary years are. This period is not only emotionally significant but also crucial for academic, physical, and social learning, which can have a profound and lasting impact on children’s lives.
As we begin this new year, I’d like to highlight three key factors that drive student success and that the Fuente Nueva Team highly value for academic, emotional, social, and physical growth:
I’m excited for you all to meet our wonderful bilingual staff if you haven’t already and hear about the curriculum they’ve planned for your children.
I’m looking forward to a fantastic year ahead. As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have.
With gratitude,
Angela Kidd
Dear Families,
We are so excited to be part of your child’s journey as they learn and grow throughout elementary school. Looking forward to working with all of you this year!
Angela Kidd
Dear Families,
It is so exciting to have kids on campus this year and we are working hard to make this a safe and welcoming environment for all students. With the goal of kids at school as much as possible, we recognize that there will also be missed school to protect the community from the spread of COVID-19.
We have gotten a lot of questions in the past few weeks about what families should do if their child gets sick with covid like symptoms. As a reminder the signs & symptoms of COVID-19 are:
If your student has any of the above symptoms that are NOT related to another health concern (food poisoning, allergies, etc) then they must stay home. Students with symptoms of COVID-19 infection may not to return for in-person instruction until they have met California Department of Public Health criteria to return to school which are:
When students live with someone who is sick, they do not need to stay home until there is a positive COVID-19 test result for the individual who is sick. This feels counterintuitive and several families have chosen to keep their children home in the case that a family member has symptoms and are awaiting test results. We honor this choice and support families in making this decision.
To help keep student learning happening while kiddos are not on campus we have the ability to issue a short term independent study agreement. This will be a combination of work that students are doing on campus as well as other activities including online learning. If your child will be out for an extended period of time due to either of the reasons listed above and they are well enough to complete school work, please request an independent study packet. We will do what we can to provide one to you as quickly as possible.
Please reach out with any questions or concerns. Hopefully we will have the answers and if not we will find them and learn together. Thank you for all you do to help keep Fuente Nueva kiddos safe and learning in school.
All the best,
Directora Beth
Dear Families,
This week was an incredibly successful start to the school year. We have much to be grateful for having this time together in person. Thank you to all the families who were able to follow through with the Social Responsibility Commitment. By doing so we are all giving our students the best chance to keep learning at school.
With the holiday weekend on our doorstep, I would like to share the words of Dr. Ian Hoffman, the Humboldt County Health Officer who said, “In light of record hospitalizations in our county and the urgent need to help reduce exposures to COVID-19 in our schools, we ask all who are unvaccinated, including unvaccinated children, to stay home this holiday weekend. The last thing we want to see in our community is another spike in cases like we saw following the winter holidays.”
Thank you for all your support and patience as we learn how to be together on campus with the new guidelines. The feeling on the campus this week was joyful with lots of learning going on in all directions. We could not do this without your support.
Take good care and enjoy your three day weekend. We will see everyone here on Tuesday!
Take care,
BethRemember to sign up for the Extended Day Program by Tuesday 9/7 4pm.
Dear Families,
We are excited to share that we have hired a team for the Extended Day Program. We will open the program on September 13, 2021. Care will be provided both before and after school with a limited capacity. If we have more interest than slots we will hold a lottery with priority tiers. More information can be found in the Extended Day Policy and Procedures.
We will collect student interest in the Extended Day Program, through this form. The deadline to complete the form is by Tuesday 9/7 at 4pm. Should interest be greater than capacity we will hold a lottery on Wednesday 9/8 at 9am. Families will be notified via email of their Extended Day enrollment status by 4pm on 9/8. If a family has interest at a later date they will be placed on the waitlist or enrolled according to availability.
As a school we have always prided ourselves on not capping enrollment in the extended day program and serving ALL interested students. This year due to the challenges of the pandemic and limited staffing we may not be able to serve all interested students. If this occurs, we are committed to pursuing options so that we can once again serve all students who need care in our Extended Day program.
If you have any questions, please reach out. I look forward to welcoming students to the Extended Day program.
All the best,
Directora Beth
Dear Families,
The first day of school is just around the corner and we are happily preparing for your students’ arrival. This year will bring opportunities for us to joyfully connect and learn as we navigate the continued pandemic. While there are challenges, we have learned a lot over the past two years that brings me confidence and when we work together we can do great for the students and families of Fuente Nueva.
At last night’s charter council meeting (the FNCC is the Board of Directors for our school), the council reviewed the safety plans that have been developed based on the latest guidance from California Department of Public Health. The robust safety procedures that we had in place last year will change very little. Below is a short list of what safety protocols will be in place. The full plans may be viewed on our website or obtained through our main office.
Fuente Nueva has opted to offer a long term independent study program for students whose health would be put at risk by in-person instruction, as determined by their parent or guardian. This option has been created through State Assembly Bill 130 which was adopted in June. Fuente Nueva has gone above and beyond the state mandates and created a long term independent study program for our students. We ask that families who choose to opt-in to independent study do so one trimester at a time.
By opting into the long term independent study program, families are agreeing to become their student’s primary educational provider. The school will provide guidance to the family and student through assignments and some synchronous instruction. This will be different from last year’s distance learning model where we had lower expectations of what the family was able to provide for their students at home. Another difference from last year is that students who are enrolled in the long term independent study program will have Maestra Olivia Obidah Dunn as their teacher of record. The regular grade level teacher will collaborate with Maestra Olivia to align instruction to the classroom when possible.
As a Spanish immersion school we want to emphasize that the instruction in the independent Study program will be offered primarily in English with opportunities for students to engage in conversational Spanish during zoom lessons and through various online platforms. Students who have a higher level of Spanish proficiency already will be provided with more opportunities for instruction and independent work in Spanish.
Before choosing independent study for your student, please review:
To request long term independent study for your student, fill out this google form by Monday 8/23 at 10am. This will give us the necessary time to plan for the first day of school on 8/30. Please note that students who are served through an Individualized Education Plan must hold an IEP meeting for the team to discuss and decide if the program is appropriate for that student’s individual needs.
As always if you have any questions, concerns, ideas, please feel free to reach out. My schedule is busy, but I find that making time to connect with families is an essential part of my success as a school leader. If you want to make an appointment contact me at 822-3348 or email me at bwylie@fuentenueva.org.
Thank you families for being a part of the Fuente Nueva community. I look forward to working with you this school year and beyond.
With warm regards,
Directora Beth
Dear Families,
(Español abajo)
A Note from the Director – March 2021
Dear Families,
We are very excited to have students back on campus, and that official date is starting to come into focus. The latest board approved plan for reopening states that we will reopen once all staff had the opportunity for their vaccine shots to reach full efficacy (7-10 days post second shot or 5 weeks from first shot). This puts the target date for the start of the hybrid model in mid-March.
Knowing we have had target dates before; I suggest that you share this information with your child with the understanding that the date will be made final once all teachers have had the offer of the 2nd shot. We plan to share with kids that the date is coming but that it can still be impacted by vaccine availability.
As we move closer to this date, we know students will need to prepare emotionally and physically. Staff have worked hard to be ready and we are thrilled to feel the reality of what is to come. Teachers are crafting new strategies to meet the demands of the hybrid model. This will be yet another entirely new program. Communication and patience will be key as we learn this new normal together. Thank you for all your support and patience as we move forward!
Una carta de la directora – marzo 2021
Estimadas familias,
Estamos muy emocionados de tener estudiantes de vuelta en el campus, y esa fecha oficial está comenzando a ser enfocada. El último plan para reabrir indica que reabriremos una vez que todo el personal haya tenido la oportunidad de que sus vacunas alcancen la máxima. Esto pone la fecha objetivo para el inicio del modelo híbrido a mediados de marzo.
Sabiendo que hemos tenido fechas objetivo antes; le sugiero que comparta esta información con su hijo con el entendimiento de que la fecha será final una vez que todos las maestras hayan tenido la oferta de la segunda inyección. Planeamos compartir con los niños que la fecha está llegando, pero que todavía puede verse afectada por la disponibilidad de vacunas.
A medida que nos acercamos a esta fecha, sabemos que los estudiantes tendrán que prepararse física y emocionalmente. El personal ha trabajado duro para estar listo. Las maestras están elaborando nuevas estrategias. La comunicación y la paciencia serán clave a medida que aprendamos esta nueva normalidad juntos. Gracias por todo su apoyo a medida que avanzamos!
On Wednesday evening the charter council had their regular monthly meeting. The content of the meeting included a presentation about the layered safety precautions that FNCS has in place for in person learning as well as an update to our current status. As for readiness, the school physically has what we need, we have a plan and we are ready for when students are able to return.
A few parents attended and shared with grace and composure their life’s experience related to distance learning. Both the content of the presentations along with public input prompted the council to consider a restructure to the instructional model criteria for the start of the hybrid model (currently written to begin the hybrid model when the county is in the orange/yellow tier for two consecutive weeks). The idea was to change the reopening criteria to follow state guidance (begin the hybrid model when in the red tier for two consecutive weeks). We also had a discussion about the waivers available to allow schools to reopen while the county is in the purple tier. Not everyone was in favor of doing that, but there was support for me to explore the process of applying and bring information back to the council to consider.
The following day, all of the guidelines for schools to reopen were changed. There is no longer a waiver process available to schools. In addition, the state criteria for reopening has shifted to allow schools to reopen a hybrid model when the county is in the purple tier with an adjusted case rate below 25 cases per 100,000 population. Currently Humboldt County has a case rate of 25.2, which means currently there is no path to reopening until local conditions change.
The council will meet in the coming weeks to further discuss the options available and consider target dates for reopening. When this date is chosen, please remember that local conditions will impact our ability to reopen on that date. Family input at meetings cannot be underestimated. The council truly appreciates hearing your experience, needs and ideas for moving forward.
It goes without saying that the staff at Fuente Nueva miss “normal” school and are so eager to have students back on campus. We also want to do that safely and in a trauma sensitive way. I look forward to when that day arrives. My door is always open, so please feel free to reach out if you want to discuss this with me personally.
All the best,
Estimadas familias,
El miércoles por la noche el consejo de la escuela tuvo su reunión mensual regular. El contenido de la reunión incluyó una presentación sobre las precauciones de seguridad en capas que Fuente Nueva tiene en su lugar para el aprendizaje en persona, así como una actualización de nuestro estado actual. En cuanto a la preparación, la escuela físicamente tiene lo que necesitamos, tenemos un plan y estamos listos para cuando los estudiantes puedan regresar.
Algunos padres asistieron y compartieron con gracia y con compostura la experiencia de sus vidas relacionada con el aprendizaje a distancia. Tanto el contenido de las presentaciones como la opinión pública llevaron al consejo a considerar una reestructuración de los criterios del modelo instructivo para el inicio del modelo híbrido de aprendizaje (actualmente escrito para comenzar el modelo híbrido cuando el condado está en el nivel naranja/amarillo durante dos semanas consecutivas). La idea era cambiar los criterios de reapertura para seguir las instrucciones estatales (comenzar el modelo híbrido cuando está en el nivel rojo durante dos semanas consecutivas). También tuvimos una discusión sobre las exenciones disponibles para permitir que las escuelas reabrieron mientras el condado está en el nivel púrpura. No todo el mundo estaba a favor de hacerlo, pero me apoyó que explorara el proceso de aplicación y que el consejo examinará la información.
Al día siguiente – ayer – se cambiaron todas las pautas para que las escuelas reabran. Ya no hay un proceso de exención disponible para las escuelas. Además, el criterio estatal para reabrir ha cambiado para permitir que las escuelas reabran un modelo híbrido cuando el condado está en el nivel púrpura con una tasa de casos ajustada por debajo de 25 casos por 100,000 habitantes. Actualmente el condado de Humboldt tiene una tasa de casos de 25.2, lo que significa que actualmente no hay camino para reabrir hasta que cambien las condiciones locales.
El consejo se reunirá en las próximas semanas para seguir discutiendo las opciones disponibles y considerar las fechas previstas para la reapertura. Cuando se elija esta fecha, recuerde que las condiciones locales afectarán nuestra capacidad de reabrir en esa fecha. No se puede subestimar la aportación de la familia en las reuniones. El consejo realmente aprecia escuchar su experiencia, necesidades e ideas para seguir adelante.
No hace falta decir que el personal de Fuente Nueva falta en la escuela “normal” y están tan ansiosos de tener estudiantes de vuelta en el campus. También queremos hacerlo de forma segura y sensible a los traumas. Espero con ansias cuando llegue ese día. Mi puerta siempre está abierta, así que no dude en comunicarse si desea hablar conmigo personalmente.