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9/23-9/30 – Fuente Nueva Week of Giving

Amigos de Fuente Nueva (AFN), the Parent-Teacher Organization of Fuente Nueva Charter School, invites you to join us this week for the inaugural Fuente Nueva Week of Giving, happening from September 23-30. Our goal is to raise $20,000 to enhance our students’ educational experience, and we need your help to make it happen!

Your donations will support:

  • Field trips for all students

  • Classroom tools and upgrades

  • Campus improvements

  • Teacher support and materials

  • Year-round assemblies and events

  • Scholarships for alumni with the Seal of Biliteracy

  • And more enriching opportunities throughout the year

Join the Friendly Competition: Help your child’s class win a Pizza Party! Here’s how:

    1. Share this fundraiser with at least 10 friends, family, or neighbors—by forwarding this email, sharing the attached letter, or posting on social media.


  • If your child’s class raises $2,500 (about $100 per student), they win a Pizza Party!


Follow us on the Amigos de Fuente Nueva Facebook page and share our posts to spread the word!

How to Donate:


  • Scan the QR code in the flyer below

  • Visit (please include student names in the “note” section)


  • Mail or drop off your payment using the letter your student will receive today at school. Alternatively, you can submit it in person on Thursday, September 26th, at the Pints for Nonprofits event at the Humboldt Bay Social Club. (The letter is linked here and also attached.)

Every donation counts! Your tax deductible donation directly supports the students, staff, and programs that make Fuente Nueva special.

P.S. Want to increase your impact? Consider becoming a matching donor or ask your employer about matching gifts!



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