December 6, 2024
November 18, 2024
November 15, 2024
There is a lot of talk out there about the effectiveness of homework in elementary school and people line up on both sides of discussion. Opponents argue that we should let kids have free time to explore their own passions while supporters say it teaches students responsibility. Where does Fuente Nueva land on this issue?
We believe that homework should be meaningful, manageable, and minimal. While this approach will translate differently at each grade level, the goal is the same of aiming for quality of quantity. You will see less busy work, and more projects. Teachers will send home simple opportunities for students to share what they are learning with parents. So while homework is not going away entirely, we do hope that this new approach enables families to have more quality time together to immerse themselves in all the “learning in disguise” that can happen while they are away from school.
So what does this look like? As an immersion school we ask for parents to support their child’s home language development. In most cases at Fuente this is English language development. Simply reading with your child every night is a great way to both spend time with your family while also providing a learning opportunity. In grades 2nd-5th grade, homework assigned supports the limited amount of school time they receive formal instruction in English. In addition, teachers are ready to work with parents to provide additional home practice that fits individual needs. This could be simply referring parents to the learning opportunities on our website or as complex as creating learning packets for the specific needs of the student.
Fuente Nueva teachers are already reporting that the new approach is creating a positive shift in student engagement during lessons. As with all new practices we plan to monitor the impacts and adjust as needed. We sure hope that families enjoy the opportunity to read, play and spend quality time together.