January 24, 2025
January 24, 2025
January 24, 2025
We are very excited to have begun our 10th year of instruction as Fuente Nueva Charter School. This year we look forward to further settling into our new site by improving our playground. The first steps are to paint a map of the United States and the World on our playground. This is going to be a great learning tool for our students. One of our parents is going to lead the effort to also paint a labyrinth on the blacktop. As the year goes on, you will also see a new basketball court, improved sandbox, small field with soccer goals and more. All of these improvements are being funded by our parent booster club Amigos de Fuente Nueva, family donations and the generous grant award from a private foundation.
These are only the beginning of our vision. We also plan to expand our wood chip area so that we can install a climbing wall and other equipment. To do this, we need your help to raise the funds necessary. The goal is to raise $10,000 by the end of the year. These additional fundraising efforts will also provide an opportunity to strengthen our community!
On Saturday 9/13 and 9/20 from 10am-3pm we hold work parties to paint the maps and labyrinth. Wear your painting clothes, bring a brush and some refreshments to share or just show up. The end result is sure to be a wonderful addition to our little school.
Muchas gracias por todos.