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Developing Strong Character Traits at Fuente Nueva

At Fuente Nueva, one of our goals are to have a campus that is safe for every child.  A place where everyone feels that they belong.  I am sure that we are no different from all schools who want this for their students, families and educators.  To provide a safe school climate we incorporate character education into the student’s daily lessons.  Each week we study a character word of the week which is related to traits that students need to be successful in life.   In addition, I as the director, have the honor of teaching weekly character education lessons to each grade.  This is an amazing way for me to build a strong relationship with all of our students while also getting to know the culture and dynamic of each class.  During our lessons this year, we learned about feelings, how to experience feelings in a productive way, how to solve conflicts, and so much more. This year, a big focus of our lessons was about how to prevent bullying at our school.  Through our discussions, sadly, we all realized that we do not have a bully free school.  No one was satisfied with this realization and in turn, we all acted to see what we can do to end bullying.  The kindergarten through second grade students learned how to stay S.A.F.E. in the event that they see or experience bullying.  The acronym stands for: say what you feel, ask an adult for help, find a friend, and exit the area.   We read books, did activities, and watched videos to strengthen what the students came to call their “tool kits” for ending bullying.   In the third grade, students created skits, posters and comic books to share their ideas  with younger students on how to stop bullying.  In the fourth and fifth grade, the students made were motivated to make a short movie.  All of the students helped to write the script which was based on events that had happened right here at our school. Our school counselor, Robi Sclafani, has a hobby of film editing so she was eager to join the project.  After many long hours of collaboration between students, Robi and myself we are proud to share this short film with you. Follow the link below and enjoy.  Special shout out to local celebrity Sara Bareilles for her inspiring song Brave that helped us to find our own voices and stand strong against bullying.



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