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Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday April 30th – Review First Draft of the Local Control Accountability Plan

This Wednesday, April 30 at 5 PM the leadership team will meet to review our first draft of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) that will be approved in early June.  The community has provided input into the creation of goals and actions that will drive the school’s budget development for the following three school years.  The next steps will include reviewing, modifying and prioritizing goals and actions, along with identifying costs and funding sources.  If you were unable to join us at our Community Forum Meeting, you still have a chance to provide input.  We have merged our annual Parent School Evaluation Survey with questions that can also help us with the creation of the LCAP.   Even if you did make it to the Community Forum, we hope you will take time to fill out the survey and provide us with the feedback we need to remain in the cycle of continuous improvement.  The survey takes about 10-30 minutes depending on how many written comments you provide.  I have listed below the upcoming dates to be aware of in the event you are able to take part in the process.  Also below is the link to the Parent Survey.  Many thanks for your time and energy to shape the future of Fuente Nueva Charter School.

Important Dates for LCAP adoption:

Advisory committee review of first draft: April 30, 5pm

Community Session to provide feedback to first draft: May 6, 4:55pm

Public Hearing to receive comments for the LCAP: May 20, 5pm

Final Fuente Nueva Charter Council approval of LCAP: June 3, 4:55pm

Parent Survey Link:


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